Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reputation at Stake

Has anyone been keeping up with the plagiarism controversy involving Cassie Edwards, the historical romance writer? It's becoming a huge topic in the industry. So much so that RWA has made an official statement. Check out the link below:

I've read a few of Mrs. Edwards' romances. It's a shame that such a prolific, successful author will have a blight spot on her reputation.
Thought-provoking, huh?


Chicki Brown said...

The best thing to probably will come out of this mess is that writers will be more careful. I've already gone back and cited a research reference in my WIP.

Live and learn...

Chelle Sandell said...

What's amazing to me is that she still refuses to admit copying word for word text is wrong. She feels because it's historical research/descriptives that she's using it as "fair use".