Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy "Birth" Day, Mi'Kaela!

Good News! My only niece, Mi'Kaela Macyn Jefferson was born last night at 11:31pm, Alaska time. (left: sonogram pic)

The timing was perfect. My brother arrived for R & R from Iraq on Monday, his wife's birthday was Tuesday, and Mi'Kaela arrived just before midnight on Wednesday. What a blessed first Father's Day for Michael!

I was excited the whole day. With every phone call from Mike, I got more and more excited. When I got the call at three this morning, I popped out of bed and raced to the phone. I just knew she was here. She arrived weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces and with a head full of hair.

I am ever so grateful that Michael has made it through his first six months in Iraq and arrived home safely. I dread the fact that he is leaving again in less than two weeks and still has six months left on his tour of duty. I trust God will protect him, and he will get back safe and sound.

Besides, he has a lifetime of Daddy work to do.

AJ (new Auntie)


Bella said...

Wonderful news, proud aunt. I promised myself that I'll stop by friends' logs once a week and catch up, despite my crazy summer. Hope you're busy writing. Take care.


Chicki Brown said...

Congratulations, Auntie! A new baby is always exciting news. I've been praying for Michael since you told me he was over there. I know he's on cloud nine right now.

Chelle Sandell said...

Happy "B" Day Miss Mi'Kaela! What a precious gift from God! As I wipe tears from my eyes...please tell them congrats and we will be praying for their beautiful family!!! My hubby finally is safe back on base so I know a little of what you're feeling.

Jennifer Shirk said...

That's so wonderful! Congrats to you and your brother's family.

What a blessing!